Thursday, May 3, 2007

Psychology of Quitting (Smoking)

I just Googled Psychology of Quitting, without the quotes, and discovered there are more than 750,000 potential "matches".

The internet is filled with information and solutions to help you quit smoking. I'm going to try to "unclutter" this information into something that can be used by the average person trying to quit. There is no way anyone can possibly digest all this material. There must be some common ground.

After smoking cigarettes for 30 years, I QUIT - Cold Turkey. I experienced two distinguishable nicotine withdrawal processes: Physical and Psychological. Most programs deal with the PHYSICAL withdrawal symptoms. FEW ever take you through the psychological aspects.

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Wednesday, May 2, 2007


They say that nicotine addiction is one of the most difficult to break. I am a recovering NICOTINE Addict. I smoked cigarettes for more than 30 years. While I agree that breaking the habit has it's moments, it's not as painful or difficult as you may be thinking.

Learn from Experience:

My objective is to teach you HOW to quit. I will show you how to develop your own personal Nicotine QUENCH plan that you will use to successfully break free from your addiction to NICOTINE.

I saw an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association that concluded that NRT (Nicotine Replacement Therapies) are no more effective than simply quitting cold turkey. The primary difference is - NRT's are very expensive. Cold Turkey is FREE.

If you want more information - send me an e-mail at, I will be more than happy to send you the Nicotine Quench Plan that worked for me.

Click here for a complete documented trip of my QUIT or visit:

Visit NICOTINE QUENCH at AMAZON to see numerous books and products that can help you make the best decision for YOU. I am not endorsing any specific product or program.

I quit COLD TURKEY - No Nicotine Supplements - just my Nicotine QUENCH Plan.

Best regards,

The nicotineQUENCH Team